Our Mission is to help families raise BUILT UP kids. A BUILT UP kid hasn’t JUST met Jesus. A BUILT UP kid knows Jesus, walks with Jesus, lives Jesus, and Leaks Jesus.

Trinity Kids exists to supplement families’ efforts to disciple their children as followers of Christ and aims to resource families as they raise up children who choose to surrender their lives under the Word & pursue God with their heads & hearts. Trinity Kids seeks to create an environment that encourages a joyful & steadfast pursuit of God.

750_3501Sunday Mornings

10:30am - Sign in begins at 10:35
Infant/Toddler Nursery available throughout the entire service.
Pre-K - 5th Grade are dismissed for Trinity Kids just before the sermon.

Your First Visit

On your first visit to Trinity Kids, our helpful welcome desk volunteers will help you get your children registered and checked in. Alternatively, you can fill out the the registration form before you come, or fill out a paper form when you arrive. Our welcome folks will show you how our check-in system works and get name tags and pick-up tags printed.

We invite all children, infant through 5th grade to join us for the first part of service (worship songs and prayer), and then, just before the sermon time, we pray for and release them for their lessons in Trinity Kids.

Our family room is also equipped with a TV that streams whatever is happening in the sanctuary, in case parents would prefer to take their young ones out for a bit to be able to move around a little more. Children are also welcome to stay for the whole service, if their parents prefer that. We have coloring pages and sermon notes for kids always available. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us!

First time registration form


Do you have classes during both services?
Infant/Toddler Nursery available throughout the entire service.
Pre-K - 5th Grade are dismissed for Trinity Kids just before the sermon.

What if my child wants me during service?
When you check in your child you will check in with a cell phone number.  Please put your phone on vibrate.  If we need you we will send you a text.

How do I know my child will be safe?
We take your children's safety seriously. All of our children's workers go through a screening process which involves background checks (adults), training, and references. Each class team has a minimum of two adults. In addition, the Guides (greeters) at the entrance of the children's wing monitor all who enter and exit. Trinity also has a trained volunteer security team during each service.

What if my child has food allergies?
When you fill out the initial registration form, you will be asked if your child has any allergies. A child's allergies will print on their name tag. We always encourage verbally notifying your classroom team leaders if you any concerns.

What other programs/resources are available?
We believe families are tasked with discipling their kids. With that in mind, we seek to resource parents to aid them in discipleship: